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Technical Mathematics

Dept of Mathematics Arts & Sciences Education

Course Title

Technical Math


Arts & Sciences Education

Course Subject Code


Course Number


Course Description

MATH 1170 - Technical Mathematics. Three credit hours. This course is designed for students in technical trade, Allied Health, and Tech Prep programs. There is an expectation for minimal background in mathematics (meet high school graduation requirements). For some of you, several topics may be "easy," for others these same topics may present a challenge, especially if it has been some time since you have done mathematical calculations and solved problems algebraically. We will begin with basic arithmetic operations on real numbers (whole numbers, fractions, decimals). We will delve into measurement in both the American Standard and International (metric) systems. We will do some algebra and work with geometric formulas. There are also sections on trigonometry and statistics. All of this will give you an overview of the types of mathematics you will likely use in technical and health fields. Please consult your advisor before enrolling.

Course Attributes

General Education - Mathematics




MATH1170 is a prerequisite for:
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )


MATH1170 is a completion requirement for:
  • (from the following course set: )
MATH1170 is a degree map requirement for:
MATH1170 is a completion requirement for:
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
MATH1170 is a degree map requirement for:
MATH1170 is a completion requirement for:
  • (from the following course set: )
MATH1170 is a degree map requirement for:
MATH1170 is a completion requirement for:
  • (from the following course set: )
MATH1170 is a degree map requirement for:
MATH1170 is a completion requirement for:
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
MATH1170 is a degree map requirement for:
MATH1170 is a completion requirement for:
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
MATH1170 is a degree map requirement for:
MATH1170 is a completion requirement for:
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
MATH1170 is a degree map requirement for:
MATH1170 is a completion requirement for:
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
MATH1170 is a prerequisite for:
  • (from the following course set: )
  • (from the following course set: )
MATH1170 is a degree map requirement for:
MATH1170 is a prerequisite for:
  • (from the following course set: )