RAASAMT - Aviation Maintenance Technology
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Catalog Program Title
Degree Designation
Program Description
Aviation Maintenance Technology (AMT) is a career field with excellent employment opportunities.
Students should contact the AMT Director, academic advisors, or the Career and Technical Education Unit concerning semester start dates. Completing courses in the sequence and schedule offered is critical to the successful completion of the program. Upon successful completion of the 14 CFR Part 147 program, the graduate will be issued a certificate acknowledging the student’s eligibility for FAA testing. Students seeking an associate of applied science degree must also successfully complete additional general education classes.
Applicants for an Associate of Applied Science Degree, who are currently FAA Airframe & Powerplant certificate holders, may apply their A&P certificate towards the AMT portion of the A.A.S. degree.
Please note that the FAA exams are currently only administered in English.
Additional Catalog Program Information
Program Requirements
Mandatory Drug Screening in accordance with the Department of Transportation, 49CFR Part 40 is required prior to the end of the first week of the program. The Aviation Maintenance Program faculty will schedule testing prior to the start of the program. Any student who is unable to attend the department drug screening will be required to make their own arrangements. Throughout the program, students must maintain the ability to pass the mandatory drug screening to remain in the program. In the event the student fails a drug screening after enrollment, the student will immediately be administratively withdrawn from the program for the remainder of the semester. The student will be eligible to return to the program the following semester pending a current, clear drug screening. Students exhibiting signs of impaired judgment related to suspected use of chemical substances, legal, or otherwise, will be removed from the classroom or laboratory immediately. Appeals can be made according to the process outlined in the Student Handbook.
Mandatory Background Checks are required for all students accepted for entry into the beginning Aviation Maintenance Program. The background check will be scheduled prior to the beginning of the first semester of enrollment in the Aviation Maintenance Program.